collagène pur marin 400g | sans saveur
Votre source quotidienne de collagène marin pur
Le collagène est important ! Il garde votre peau jeune et hydratée. Mais à partir de la vingtaine, votre peau commencera à perdre environ 1 % de son collagène chaque année. Le collagène marin propre aide à remplacer le collagène perdu au cours du processus de vieillissement et soutient une peau jeune et hydratée, des articulations, des ongles et des cheveux sains !
Le collagène marin propre provient de manière durable des mers profondes et froides de l'Atlantique Nord et n'a ni goût ni odeur de poisson.
Mélangez du collagène marin propre dans votre café, vos flocons d'avoine, vos bouchées énergétiques et votre yaourt, secouez-le avec de l'eau ou ajoutez-le à un smoothie - vous adorerez la facilité avec laquelle il se mélange.
Why You'll Love It
Learn MoreAt Genuine Health, we believe that the health of our planet is tied to the health of our oceans.
We source our marine clean collagen from wild caught cod, pollock and haddock in deep water oceans off the coast of Atlantic Canada. Our marine clean collagen is both sustainably sourced and upcycled, an exciting solution we feel good about (and we know you will, too!).

Frequently asked
Yes! marine clean collagen is consciously sourced and upcycled from sustainably caught fish scales and skins that would have otherwise been discarded. The fish are sustainably caught by fisheries that operate under government quotas to avoid overfishing.
The fish are wild caught in the North Atlantic Ocean and surrounding cold-water seas. The fish skins that we use come from cod, pollock and haddock.
We recommend consulting with a healthcare practitioner before starting any new supplement when pregnant and/or breastfeeding.
Typically people start to see improvement of skin hydration within a month, while joint health results may take a little longer.
No! The only difference is the flavour. We wanted you to be able to enjoy collagen easily while on the go. We took our marine clean collagen and lightly flavoured it with delicious Lemon Lime to make it easy to add to water. Since hydrating is essential to healthy skin, we wanted to make it easier to get both water and collagen together!
Yes! Hydrolyzed collagen and collagen peptides are the same thing. If you see either on-pack, it means that the collagen is predigested so it’s better absorbed.
Whenever is most convenient! In the many research studies showing the benefits of collagen, participants were not asked to take collagen with or without food.
Yes! Collagen is the most plentiful protein in our bodies. But beginning in our 20s, our bodies naturally produce less of it. Collagen loss is usually seen on the skin, where lines and wrinkles form. But underneath it all, loss of collagen also affects the integrity of our bones, joints and muscles. Supplementing with a high quality collagen can help to reverse collagen loss, improving the look of your skin, your joint health and more.